In Piracci’s basement I get hives on my legs after scratching them indiscriminately under the influence of LSD. The flesh on my thighs is boiling over. For some reason I’m sitting in my underwear with a bong between my legs and isn’t until I accidentally light my hair on fire that I finally notice the incongruous lumps. After much panic we shout upstairs to Piracci’s drunken mother for guidance. She shouts down and tells me to rub lotion all over my legs and to keep my hands off them for at least half an hour. Instead of handing me the lotion Piracci begins squirting it all over my legs, lap, and chest, and then falls to the floor in hysterics. Jon and Jesse are there spraying moist yellow gobs of Cheetos from their lips in laughter. After taking off my shirt and standing there in my underwear I begin rubbing in the lotion. Piracci laughs so hard he begins farting, cupping his hands over his asshole. Finally he tells us he has to shit but he’s too fucked up to climb stairs. Taking a bucket from underneath the utility sink, he drops his pants and squats. The stench is unbearable, so bad in fact that we begin laughing all over again. Piracci falls off the bucket with his pants around his ankles and insists through his laughing fit that someone needs to get rid of his shit. After much debate Jon pounds a beer and lifts the bucket off the floor. He walks over to the utility sink and pours the shit inside. His head is blown back from the stench. Using a paint stirrer he begins mashing the shit into the drain as the water runs over it. “It’s not going down,” he says, panicked. “It’s not going down.” Jon is the only one not laughing and Piracci farts another turd onto the floor. Finally Jon slips into rubber gloves and begins squeezing the shit into even streaks along the base of the sink. He turns around, his eyes bloodshot, and an encouraging smile on his face. “Ok guys, it’s going down. It’s going down,” he says. “Man that was close.”
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