The other night I rode a cucumber across the kitchen floor crashing against her thighs as she beheaded red peppers.
She laughed and slapped my hands as it passed between them.
Gradually she clenched the cucumber and then turned slowly until she faced me holding the paring knife in a striking pose. “I could do it you know?”
With the cucumber between her legs she lit a cigarette still holding the paring knife and tapped ash into the sink, and simply whispered, “I would.”
Carving off red pepper heads over the trashcan, she began talking about a book she read in college.
It had something to do with a white horse whipped with tiger lilies, a white waterfall dragged over screams of small children, and fireflies rallying against the night.
I told her I didn’t care and then reached for wine glasses in the cupboard above her head.
She flattened the paring knife against my chest and slid the cucumber more comfortably between her thighs.
After dragging her cigarette she placed it between my lips and said, “What would you do if I suddenly sprouted wings and flew out of here?
What would you remember first?”
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